Md Jahidul Islam. Office Hours: Thursday 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM. @LAR-339D.
Lecture: M/W/F 3:00PM-3:50PM @LAR-330
TA: Boxiao Yu. Office Hours: Tuesday 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM. @NEB-222.
Microprocessor Applications or embedded systems or equivalent courses
Fluent in object-oriented programming (Python and/or C++)
Basics of linear algebra and calculus
Introduction to Robotics: Mechanics and Control (Pearson; 4th Edition).
By John Craig. ISBN-13: 978-0133489798. Pearson; 4th edition.
Probabilistic Robotics (Int. Robotics & Autonomous Agents series; 1st Edition).
By Sebastian Thrun, Wolfram Burgard and Dieter Fox.
ISBN-13: 978-0262201629, ISBN-10: 0262201623.
Lecture Topics
- Lecture #1
Introduction: Outline & Logistics.
- Lecture #2
User interface, Integration, Middleware
- ROS/ROS2 and OpenCV.
- Lecture #3
Spatial Descriptions and Transformations.
- Rotation: Homogeneous, XYZ and Euler Rotation.
- Rodrigues Rotation and Quaternion Space.
- Lecture #4
Kinematics: Manipulators and UGVs.
- Manipulator Kinematics: DH notation.
- TurtleBot Kinematics.
- Lecture #5
Locomotion: UGVs / AUVs / UAVs.
- Motion Gaits: 2-DOF, 3-DOF, and 6-DOF.
- Quaternion: Rotation Space and SLERP Interpolation.
- Lecture #6
Robot Perception: UGVs / AUVs / UAVs.
- Camera model: intrinsic and extrinsics.
- Homography estimation.
- Stereo cameras: epipolar geometry.
- SfM: Structure from Motion Pipeline.
- Lecture #7
Localization and Odometry.
- Image Processing and Filtering.
- Stereo Vision and 3D Geometry.
- Lecture #8
Inverse Kinematics.
- Dynamic Programming and SOTA Planners.
- Adaptation: UGVs / AUVs / UUVs.
- Lecture #9
Filtering and State Estimation.
- Probabilistic filtering concepts.
- State estimation and planning under uncertainity.
- Kalman Filtering (KF), extended KF, unscented KF.
- Feedback controllers: PID.
- Lecture #10
Path Planning Algorithms.
- Map-based planners: Bug0, Bug1.
- Graph-based algorithms: BFS, DFS, Dijkstra, A*.
- Sampling-based algorithms: PRM, RRT, RRT*.
- Target-centric planners.
Robot Platform: TURTLEBOT 4
Other Hardware: Jetson Nano & Raspberry Pi-400
Homework Assignments
#1. Hands-on Homework 1: ROS and OpenCV
Part A: ROS/ROS2 installation and setup
Part B: Interfacing webcam or usb cameras
Part C: Topic subscription and publishing
Part D: Writing launchfiles and wrappers
#2. Analytical Homework 1: Forward Kinematics
Spatial descriptions and transformations
Manipulator kinematics (DH notation)
Fixed and Euler angle rotation
Rodrigues rotation
#3. Hands-on Homework 2: Kinematics
Part A: Euler angles and axis of rotation
Part B: Quternion SLERP
Part C: Forward kinematics of the PUMA robot
#4. Hands-on Homework 3: Visual Perception
Part A: Augmented Visuals by Homography Estimation
Part B: Camera Calibration
Part C: SfM (Structure from Motion) pipeline
#5. Homework 5:
Part A: 3D Robot localization from 3 landmarks
Part B: Inverse kinematics (DH notation of manipulators)
Part C: Kalman filtering for 2D object tracking in images
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